The headlands are usually the last to relinquish their fog from the warming sun. It's best to try to get out early when the weather is good, as it may be gone in just an hour. I saw that it was already dissipating as I walked to one of my favorite and oft visited areas over many years. It's a place of solitude and beauty.
In spring this area is truly a wild place, where few visitors are seen. The weather is capricious and one has to be careful with the wave and surge action, especially when completely alone.
The sun was blazing but the fog held. Tide was approaching, so I had my back to the waves, which always makes me a little more than nervous. It was amazing. The sun through the trees was splitting the light into many fragments. I took a few photographs of the rays. Then I moved back (closer to those waves) so a light curtain of beams covered the shore. It was magic and unusual.
Beautiful Light Beams |
Another day I was kayaking with a friend on the Quillayute River near La Push on another beautiful sunny day. After taking photographs of at least 20 eagles, we took a break and were presented with these radiating cirrus clouds right over Little James Island. Flowers were blooming. It was Spring in full measure.
Waves forming a V and Radiating Clouds |
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