Near sunset, clouds rolled in from the north, creating some interesting light, but is this going to shut out the glorious sunset we all wait for? There is a nice contrast here between the black and tan rock formations. There is a black area also on the sea stack.
As the sun was veiled a bit, I decided to move up on the rocks to the right. Although the tide had been going out, wave activity was strong, but I was about 8 ft. higher than incoming. In this position, I didn't have my usually planed escape route for large waves, and felt vulnerable. A cormorant perched on the large stack and dried his wings.

As the sun and light descended, I decided it was time to go. As I depressed the shutter for the last exposure, suddenly a large wave was heading my way. It was about 7-10 ft. larger than the others, and inundated my position. I held the tripod in place, or it helped to hold me in place. A ghost of the water can be seen in the photo below. It was more excitement than I would ever want. Water came up to the top of my boots. Glad it wasn't any higher!
I had spotted another photographer a bit earlier contemplating making a rounding of the rocks from the north. After the wave, I thought about his condition. Shortly afterward, he rounded the rocks. He apparently ran up the beach, but was still hit and wet waist high. His camera bag protected his gear. We were both very fortunate.