We were met with rather flat, gray light at Women's Forum Overlook. It was serene and tranquil there, unlike the day before.
Next we hiked in to Elowah Falls, where the water volume was anything but serene. It had been raining for weeks, and rained heavily the day before. As we approached the Falls, spray kept us back. It was a challenge to keep our gear reasonably dry so getting photos was also challenging.
After drying out a bit with a nice lunch at Skamana Lodge, we headed to Dog Creek Falls on the Washington side. The water volume here was also not disappointing. I, in fact, have never seen this falls this big. It's a short wide falls that is lovely to shoot all times of the year. Even though it is a short walk, once you are there you are surrounded by canyon and solitude. Except for the occasional visitor, it can be quite tranquil.
One of the best places to shoot is to get right in the creek, far enough back not to have too much spray, but to get a feeling for motion and water with slow shutter speeds.

Last stop was back to Oregon near Wahkenna Falls to photograph some small streams. With fading light and steam, we called it a fun day, with participants voicing enthusiasm for the next outing!
Next Gorge workshop is scheduled for June 11th. More information here>